Fee’s from 01-Apr 24 to 31-Mar 25:
Full-day ( £ 62.70 )
Times: 08:00 to 17:45
Includes: Breakfast, Lunch, Tea & Snacks
Morning ( £ 39.50 )
Times: 08:00 to 13:00
Includes: Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks
Afternoon ( £ 38.50 )
Times:13:00 to 17:45
Includes: Tea & Snacks
To help with Childcare costs, we accept 15 and 30 hour funding from North Yorkshire Council, TAX Credits and Company Voucher Schemes (Subject to eligibility & availability)
Your free 15 or 30-Hour funding code must be applied for 2-3 months before the Term you wish to have the funding hours for ( e.g. Apply in June-July, to have funding for the Sep-Dec Term )​
Free Childcare funding will come into place for working families as follows:
From Apr 2024: 15 hours free for working families with a 2 - 3 Year old
From Sept 2024: 15 hours free for working families with a 9 - 23 month old
From Sept 2025: 30 hours free for working families with a child from 9 months to Primary School age
Fees are reviewed each Year and may be adjusted for wage and cost rises.
Four weeks' paid notice, ( in writing ), must be given if your child is leaving the Nursery.
Public Holidays and absence due to sickness are charged at full price.
For part time children, we will try to arrange an alternative session for Bank Holiday’s
The Nursery closes for two weeks at Christmas and no fees are charged for this period.
Funding, TAX Credits & Voucher Schemes:
You may be eligible for Tax Credits, please see information on our Parent notice board
Two, Three and Four year olds' may be eligible to receive nursery funding; this is deducted from the above prices.
Funding does not include food, which will be charged for each funded session attended:
£7.00 Full-day Food includes: Breakfast, Lunch, Tea & Snacks
£3.65 Morning Food includes: Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks
£3.35 Afternoon Food includes: Tea & Snacks
Fee must be paid in advance by Standing order
Nursery also accepts all childcare vouchers schemes ( Please check with your employer )
Government Website
The Goverment Website for free Childcare Funding is https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
Working Parents must re-apply for the Childcare Funding every 3-months (to update HMRC on any changes in your circumstances) before these dates, to receive your free Childare Hours for the following Term:
31August - Autumn Term
31 December - Spring Term
31 March - Summer Term​
Once you have completed each application you will also need to complete a Harlequin Nursery Form, which enables us to follow-up your application to confirm that it has been successful. ​
Children Aged 2
Available for: Families in England with 2-year-old children, receiving some forms of support
When may I claim: From 1-Jan, 1-Apr or 1-Sep following your child’s 2nd birthday.
What is Provided: 15 hours of free childcare (so if eligible) = 570 hours free childcare/Year
Children Aged 3-4
Available for: All families in England with 3 and 4-year-old children
When may I claim: From 1-Jan, 1-Apr or 1-Sep following your child’s 3rd birthday.
What is Provided:15 hours of free childcare (so if eligible) = 570 hours free childcare/Year.
Available for: Working families in England with 3 and 4-year-old children
When may I claim: Parents of children who will be 3 on 31-Aug 2017 can apply now
What is provided: 30 hours of free childcare (so if eligible) = 1,140 hours free childcare/Year
How can I use it: Harlequin Nursery & Pre-School will 'Stretch' the 30 Hours over the Year.
TAX-FREE CHILDCARE ( Ages 0 - 11 )
Available for: For working families in the UK with children under 12 (or under 17 if disabled)
When may I claim: Parents of children under 4 on 31-Aug & parents of disabled children
What is provided: For every £8 you pay in, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2,000 per child - that's up to £500 every three months
TAX CREDITS ( Ages 0 - 15 )
Available for: For working families claiming Universal credit with children under 16
When may I claim: Immediately
What is provided: For 70% of childcare costs, up to a cap
UNIVERSAL CREDIT ( Ages 0 - 15 )
Available for: For working families in the UK with children under 16 (or under 17 if disabled)
When may I claim: Immediately
What is provided: 85% of eligible childcare costs, up to a cap
Available for: For working families in the UK with children under 16 (or under 17 if disabled)
When may I claim: Immediately
What is provided: Up to £933 a year in tax and National Insurance savings
More Information: