The Harlequin Day Nursery Policies
Mission / Vision Statement:
All nursery policies, procedures and practices are based on the research and practice of the EYFS.
To find out more visit www.direct.gov.uk/eyfs
We strive to provide an environment to meet your child’s individual needs. The nursery philosophy is based on learning through practical hands on experience.
When planning all activities and routines we identify and maximise the learning potential; from climbing the stairs to the Explorer Room, to independently selecting a new book for Pre-School children to take home and share with parents.
Children’s time at nursery is documented and becomes a record of their learning journey; this is available at all time for parents to view and share with key workers.
Policies List:
We have the following policies operating and copies are available in Reception, please ask any member of staff for details:
Being Healthy
1. Medication
2. Sickness and Infections
3. Illness and Emergencies
4. Healthy lifestyles
5. Smoking Policy
Enjoy and achieving
1. Transition policy
2. Settling in new children
3. Parents as Partners
4. Staff Development and Training
1. Dealing with racial Harassment
2. Complaints Procedure
3. Admissions & Access to Information
Positive Contribution
1. Equal opportunities
2. Special Educational Needs ( Local offer https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/send-local-offer )
3. Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy
Staying Safe
1. Safeguarding
2. Biting Policy
3. Visits and Outings
4. Arrivals, Departures, Uncollected and Lost Children
5. Confidentiality
6. Health and safety
7. Data Protection
8. Social Networking
9. Students
Emergency Procedures
1. Fire Evacuation Procedure
2. Lockdown Procedure